Cotswold Ecology provide a wide range of ecology services to support your planning application.

Protected Species
Our licensed and experienced ecologists use the latest technology to provide a full range of surveys for protected species including:
Great Crested Newts;
Dormice; and
We provide a high quality service for development licences where appropriate, working closely with architects, landscape designers and land owners, to develop tailored surveys and mitigation strategies that work for both the client and the protected species populations.
For more information on protected species surveys, click here.
Most ecological assessments of development sites begin with a Phase 1 Habitat Survey to assess the importance of the habitats on the site, and determine the potential presence of protected species. We are able to carry out Phase 1 Habitat Surveys to best practise standards, using data from local records centres to put the results of a site visit into context.
If protected habitats are present, further botanical surveys such as National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys, Hedgerow or River Corridor Surveys (RCS) surveys may be required.
Cotswold Ecology provide ecological input into Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Statement and Appropriate Assessment. Our staff have experience in carrying out ecological assessments for biomass facilities, town expansions and overhead cable connections.

Invasive Species
Cotswold Ecology can carry out full Schedule 9 listed invasive species surveys for species such as Fallopia japonica (Japanese Knotweed), Heracleum mantegazzianum (Giant Hogweed) and Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balam).

Our expert and licensed ecologists provide surveys tailored specifically to your development and planning needs. If you are unsure of your survey requirements, do not hesitate to contact us.
07889 593 965
Ecological Scoping
We are able to carry out initial scoping of proposed development sites, prior to planning or even purchase of sites. An initial scoping can be a cost-effective way of determining the likelihood of protected habitats and species on a proposed development site and identify potential ecological constraints.