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Cotswold Ecology provides a wide range of ecology services for all your requirements.


Our licensed and experienced ecologists use the latest technology to provide a full range of services for bat issues including:

  • Initial bat surveys;

  • Emergence and dawn surveys;

  • Activity transect and point surveys;

  • Vantage point surveys; 

  • Tree climbing and tree inspection surveys; and

  • Mitigation and enhancement strategies.


We provide a high quality and experienced service for development licences, working closely with architects and land owners to develop tailored mitigation strategies that work for both the client and local bat populations.  



Great Crested Newts


Cotswold Ecology provide Great Crested Newt surveys during the breeding season (between mid-March and mid-June).  Our full range of Great Crested Newt surveys include:

  • Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) calculations;

  • Presence/absence surveys;

  • Population estimates;

  • eDNA testing;

  • Development licences;

  • Mitigation strategies;

  • Ecological clerk of works; and

  • Fencing and translocation.


Our ecologists are licenced to survey for Great Crested Newts throughout England and Wales.



We have a great deal of experience dealing with Badger habitat issues relating to development.  We provide a full range of services including detailed Badger surveys by experienced surveyors, experienced in identification and classificiation of Badger signs and setts.  


Where necessary, we are able to obtain Badger development licences with sensitive and successful mitigation strategies.

Our expert and licensed ecologists provide surveys tailored specifically to your development and planning needs.  If you are unsure of your survey requirements, do not hesitate to contact us.


07889 593 965



We are able to carry out full reptile surveys from habitat assessment to presence/absence , evaluation and assessment.  We prepare Reptile Method Statements with specifically designed mitigation such as ecological watching brief, habitat construction, fencing and translocation.  

Other Protected Species


Our surveyors and associates provide expert surveys for many other UK protected species including:

  • Hazel Dormouse;

  • Ornithological surveys;

  • Water Vole;

  • Otter; and

  • White-clawed crayfish.




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